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特聘教学教授 精神病学和行为科学








One aspect of academic psychiatry and teaching is to cultivate medical students and residents and to steer them towards understanding and conducting clinical research.  在精神科,Dr. Schwartz and his colleagues James Megna, M.D.阿德科拉·阿劳,m.a.D., and others, have strong track records of involving students and residents in research.  Students and residents routinely present posters at national meetings and have their work published in reputable journals.  Students and residents learn how to write case histories, 案例系列, 创建和执行调查, 分析教师收集的数据集, and occasionally conduct prospective trials.  We feel these fundamental research experiences are the gateway to launching careers in more in-depth and formal clinical research for our students and residents.  幸运的是, these research experiences can be developed for a fraction of the cost of starting a new research project, but nevertheless funding for such experiences cannot be easily obtained from typical funding streams, 比如美国.S. 美国国立卫生研究院.




住院医师: University Hospital, SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse, 1999
MD: 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医疗中心,1995年
BA: 巴克内尔大学,1991年



施瓦茨TL, Masand PS: The Role of Atypical Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Delirium 心身医学 43:3;171-174, May-June 2002

Masand PS, 施瓦茨TL, Alao A: 研究 Priorities in Electroconvulsive Therapy 印度精神病学档案. [6](1):176-179 2000夏

施瓦茨TL: The Use of Tiagabine Augmentation for Treatment Resistant Anxiety Disorders: A Case Series. 精神药理学 Bulletin 36(2):53-57, Spring 2002

Masand PS, 古普塔年代, 施瓦茨TL, Virk年代, 洛克伍德K, Hameed一, 王米, Kaplan DS: Paroxetine in Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome: A Pilot Open-Label Study. Primary Care Companion J Clin 精神病学. 4(1):12-16 2002. Presented APA Annual Conference 2001, New Orleans, LA

施瓦茨TL, Leso, L, 比尔, M, 艾哈迈德, R, Naprawa, S: Modafinil in the Treatment of Depression with Severe Comorbid Medical Illness 心理学报,2002年8月

普拉卡什年代. Masand; Thomas L. Schwartz; Xiaohong Wang; Daniel J. Kuhles; Sanja Gupta; Bhushan Agharkar; Jacob Manjooran; M. Ahmad Hameed; William Hardoby; Subhdeep Virk; Bradford Frank. Prescribing Conventional Antipsychotics in the Era of Novel Antipsychotics: Informed Consent Issues. [J]中华医学会学报2002年11 - 12月;9(6):484-7

Masand PS, 古普塔年代, 施瓦茨TL: Does a Pre-existing Anxiety Disorder Predict Response to Paroxetine in IBS? 心身医学. 43(6):451- 555, 2002年11月

施瓦兹TL,比尔M. Psychotropic induced weight gain alleviated with orlistat. Psychopharm Bull 2003; 37(1): 5-8.

施瓦茨TL, 金达尔年代, Virk年代, Wade M: Safety and Tolerability of the Antidepressant, 文拉法辛XR, in the Severely Medically and Surgically Ill. Presented at 2002 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 研究 Poster Session Presented APA IPS Annual Conference 2003, Boston, MA (In Press) 心身医学

Malhotra K, 施瓦茨TL, Hameed U: Is Suicidality a Prognostic Indicator for Major Depression in the Primary Care Setting? Presented at 2002 纽约州立大学推荐最近最火的赌博软件医科大学 研究 Poster Session. Submitted APA Annual Conference 2003, San Francisco, CA. (In Press) The Journal of Postgraduate Medicine

施瓦茨TL, 金达尔年代, Simionescu米, Nihalani N, 爱资哈尔N, Tirmazi年代, Hussein J: Effectiveness of Orlistat Versus Diet and Exercise for Weight Gain Associated with Antidepressant Use: A Pilot Study. (In Press) Journal of Clinical 精神药理学

施瓦茨TL, Nihalani N, 金达尔年代, et al. Psychiatric Medication Induced Obesity: An Epidemiologic Review. (出版中)肥胖评论

李建军,李建军,李建军,等. Psychiatric Medication Induced Obesity: An Etiologic Review. (出版中)肥胖评论

施瓦茨TL, 爱资哈尔N, Hussein J, 金达尔年代, Hopkins G, Simionescu米, Nihalani N. Modafinal augmentation to reduce fatigue associated with serotonergic antidepressants. Submitted to Journal of Clinical 精神药理学

施瓦茨TL, Nihalani N, Simionescu米, Hopkins G: The pharmacodynamic history of treating anxiety: A review. Submitted to Current Pharmaceutical Design

施瓦茨TL, Nihalani N, 金达尔年代, et al. Psychiatric Medication Induced Obesity: Treatment Options. 提交的肥胖评论


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