
增强 (Excellence我n H医疗保健 A用和 Neglected 孩子ren)

Foster Care Services: 增强
Foster Care Services: 增强
Nappi Wellness Institute
谷歌地图 & 方向
725 East Adams Street纽约州锡拉丘兹市 13210
电话: 315 464-7250
传真: 315 464-2051
诊所的细节 | 访问的网站

增强 (Excellence我N H医疗保健 A用和 Neglected ChildrEn) is a nationally recognized multidisciplinary clinic which provides comprehensive health care to children in foster care.


  • 儿科
  • 儿童精神病学
  • 发育儿科
  • 社会工作

增强 was developed as a cooperative venture by the Department of 儿科 and the Division of 儿童精神病学 at SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Medical University, and the Onondaga County Department of Social Services to serve the special medical, emotional/behavioral and developmental needs of this vulnerable population of children.

As part of their ongoing health care while in placement, all children seen at the clinic receive:

  • Mental health screening consisting of interviews with:
    • 孩子
    • 养父母
    • 社会工作者
    • Birth parent if available
  • Standardized measures of behavioral adjustment

Recommendations for treatment and/or further assessment are based on the results of the screening. A trainee involved with the 增强 Clinic will gain experience in diagnostic interviewing, developmental evaluations, and multidisciplinary consultation and will learn a great deal about individual and systemic issues in foster care.

Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: 儿科

Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: 精神病学 & Mental Health CNS; Pediatric Infectious Diseases; 儿科; Acute & Chronic Diseases and Conditions in Pediatric Patients; Acute Bronchitis; Asthma; 更多的

Diseases/Specialties/Treatments: 孩子 Clinical Psychology; Acute & Chronic Diseases and Conditions in Pediatric Patients; Anxiety Disorders; 孩子 Abuse and Neglect; Depression; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD); 更多的