

面试日 will start with a welcome presentation by the program coordinators and program director(s). 演讲结束后, the applicants will break out and attend a total of 3 interviews with faculty. Each interview is approximately 45 minutes in length. There will be a meet and greet lunch hour with the residents. Applicants will wrap up the day between 2pm and 3pm.

A message from our former chiefs: 面试日


In retrospect, the residency interview season was both an exciting and an extremely stressful period.  有时, 信息量, 决策的数量, and the overall gravity of the process felt overwhelming.  The 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 interview day and overall interview experience was a nice break from the daily stress of being a medical student and the tension of the residency interview process. The superb organization of the itinerary and the friendliness of the residents and faculty members allowed for a very relaxing experience.  The candor and warmth of the interviewers was particularly striking, as it made me feel that the department was trying to provide me with the most accurate and complete image of the program and department as a whole.  Though the sixty minute interview slots were initially intimidating, I was amazed at how easily the conversations flowed and how much interest the interviewers expressed in me as a person; it was quite refreshing to be seen as something other than a medical student.  面试日 真正的 felt like an opportunity to learn about the program and I appreciated that everyone was so invested in the interviewees.

作为老年人, we can appreciate that the interest in the integrate person, the encouragement of independent thought, and the concern for the health and well being of trainees are amongst the core values of our department.  These values are the main drivers of change within the department.  We hope that you will consider applying to our residency training program and we wish you the best of luck during this interview season and the entirety of your career as a psychiatrist!



Maggie Lynch, DO

Yevgeniy Mayr, DO

Sutanaya Pal, MD

(Chief Residents, 2021-2022)