
Addiction Medicine Program

成瘾精神病学 Fellowship
600 E. 杰纳西河街
谷歌地图 & 方向
电话: 315 464-9161
传真: 315 464-3141
名称: Tolani Ajagbe, MD, Program Administrator
电子邮件: (电子邮件保护)

Welcome to the Addiction Medicine Service

The Addiction Medicine Service accepts patients for short-term treatment to address all substance use disorders and addiction which may or may not be co-occurring with underlying psychiatric conditions. Treatment may include; outpatient detox, 心理治疗, non-addictive medications, and referrals to other providers. In order to be accepted for treatment, prospective patients 必须 call to schedule their own appointments and a support person 必须 be present at the patient's first appointment. SUNY 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 is a teaching hospital so appointments are scheduled with trainees and the attending physician.

Steps to Obtain Treatment: 

1.) Prospective patient calls 315-464-3130 (appointments will not be made for patients whose family members, 朋友, or referring provider – only patients themselves will be scheduled for appointments)

2.) When you arrive for your appointment, you will check in on the 2nd floor and complete paperwork in the waiting room

3.) Bring your insurance information

4.)新病人 必须 have a support person accompany them to their initial appointment or they will not be seen