

Behavioral adherence in emerging adults with type 2 diabetes: Ancillary study.

  • PI: Trief
  • Type 2 diabetes in youth is a growing public health problem and a serious concern in minority and poor communities. This large clinical trial studies youth with type 2 diabetes, 被称为今天, has been ongoing and will continue for 5 more years. 在这项辅助研究中, we seek to develop a rich understanding of factors related to medication adherence and healthcare visit attendance for young adults with type 2 diabetes, to help us develop effective ways to help them succeed in their diabetes self-management.

Improving Diabetes Outcomes:  The Diabetes Support Project

  • PI: Trief
  • Studies have shown that intensive blood sugar 控制 can reduce or forestall serious diabetes-related complications. 然而, innovative interventions need to be developed that can help patients achieve good, 而持久的, 控制. We know that strong family and marital bonds help patients manage diabetes. The purpose of this study is to test whether an intervention that targets the couple and their relationship leads to better, 更持久, improvements in blood sugar 控制 than one that focuses only on the individual. This study is highly innovative as it is the first to address the couple as the target of the intervention. This study is also significant because we propose to deliver the intervention by telephone to increase reach to more diverse and larger numbers of patients. The specific aims are to measure the relative benefits of a couple’s intervention compared to an individual intervention and usual care.