




您的PGY-1年的主要目标是建立一个坚实的内科背景. Your rotations will include general medicine inpatient at University Hospital and at the VA, MICU和选修课. 我们推荐选修心脏病学, 风湿病和内分泌学, 由于神经病学与这些亚专科有大量的临床重叠.

Early in the year you will rotate for two weeks on the Stroke Service in Neurology and two weeks on the General Neurology Service. This will introduce you to your peers in the residency and will provide some basic knowledge and skill you will apply in later rotations:  neurologic history and examination, 癫痫和中风管理的基础知识.

During the PGY-1 year you will spend 3 weeks on the Neuro-ICU service during the day time and then 2 separate  blocks on Neuro ICU Night Float (3 weeks total). 您将与PGY-2神经内科住院医师在ICU夜间值班期间并肩工作. 你将有两周的神经内科门诊. 完成这一年的学习后,你将准备好在神经病学领域开始工作.


r 1 (PGY-2)

r 1 (PGY-2)

第一年带来了临床神经病学的沉浸. 这是忙碌而激动人心的一年,在这一年里你将逐渐成为一名神经科医生.

You will rotate through each of the major neurologic services at University Hospital in 1-2 week blocks: Stroke, General, 儿科神经病学和神经icu. You will have regular rests from inpatient clinical service in the form of assigned rotations in Neuroradiology, 精神病学, Clinic, 选择性和脑电图.


The Junior Neurology Admitting Resident (NAR) works from 12 noon to 9pm to help learn stroke codes with a senior resident in the Emergency Department, 交叉覆盖病房服务 晚上4点到9点. You will have 6 1-week rotations on ICU-night float during which you cover all inpatients at UH

R1 residents take a 12-hour Saturday call shift (day or night) or a 12-hour Sunday daytime call roughly every 3 weeks.

在您的第1年,您将有3周的儿科神经病学轮转. 这将使你准备好分诊儿科紧急情况,而随叫随到.

After completing this year you will know how to recognize and manage neurological emergencies and will know the basics of stroke, seizure, 多发性硬化症和头痛管理.

r2 (PGY-3)

r2 (PGY-3)

The R2 year provides you with intensive experience with triage and treatment of neurologic emergencies as well as extensive opportunity to explore the sub-specialties and choose a fellowship.

During the R2 year you also take on more challenging leadership roles such as the Neurology Admitting Resident, 一般夜间浮子, 中风高级医师,大学医院和退伍军人咨询处. During the consult rotation you will evaluate and treat patients with neurologic complications of systemic disease, 缺氧脑损伤, 复杂的癫痫病, 功能性神经障碍, 中枢神经系统的自身免疫性疾病和严重的神经肌肉疾病.你还将负责退伍军人事务部的咨询服务, 与主治医师一对一合作, 指导一名或多名医学生.

高级住院医师呼叫的责任由R2和R3住院医师分担. As a senior resident you will take 12-hour Saturday call approximately 1 in 10 weekends and 12-hour Sunday call 1 in 10 weekends.



During the third year (R3) you will hone your organizational and leadership skills and develop confidence recognizing and treating a wide array of neurological diseases.  The capstone rotation of the residency program is Service Chief on the Inpatient General and Stroke Services. 

This challenging rotation provides you with experience supervising junior neurology residents, 关闭居民, 医学院学生和高级实习医生. 

During your final year you will have the opportunity to fill gaps in your knowledge and experience by spending 2 weeks in the clinic working with subspecialty attendings in Movement Disorder and Dementia and another 2 weeks concentrating on Neuro-ophthalmology and Neuroimmunology. As you approach graduation, you will be an experienced, efficient and confident neurologist.


In 2018 a committee of residents and faculty met to update the Chief Resident selection procedure.  除了支持继续选举两名总住院医师外, 该委员会, 认识到领导力发展对所有医生的重要性, initiated a program wherein all PGY-4  Neurology residents will assume one of “Lead” roles during their final year of training. In 2023 there was a revision of the roles of the senior residents to include a third chief resident and diversiy lead. 

The Chief Residents will have primary responsibility for supervision and scheduling but will also play a key role in education and will support their peers fulfill their leadership roles. The Chief Residents have administrative responsibility and authority for the smooth function of the residency program. The Chief Resident(s) are responsible for the fair assignment of call responsibilities and for keeping a record of such.  This includes emergency changes in assignments to cover service during sickness or absence and settling of disputes. 总住院医师协助PD/ apd监控住院医师的健康状况, communicate resident concerns to program leadership and are the residents’ “go-to” resource for advice, 关注和支持. 住院总医师会及时通知项目主任任何重大问题. 

The Research 驻院主任安排杂志俱乐部并选择文章进行讨论 这些会话. The Research lead resident helps arrange and promote research opportunities amongst their peers and sets up a Research Update forum every spring.  

The Quality Lead Resident plans and assigns root cause analysis training for each senior resident and serves as the leader for the quality projects from each class. The Quality lead is involved in hospital quality meetings and departmental qualities meetings.  

有2个 教育 引导居民 who divide the duties of helping with conferences and medical student education.   They lead question based review sessions monthly and help with clinicopathologic correlation conferences. 他们安排RITE复习时间表,并帮助定位MSIII和MSIV学生.  

The 招聘、新员工培训 Lead resident hosts and arranges interactions with potential applicants during the interview season as well as coordinating orientation activities for the incoming PGY1 residents.  

The 多元化和包容性 Lead帮助我们为DEI会议规划课程, 参加部门和医院的DEI会议, 并作为DEI相关资源的联络人. 这位住院医生是解决公平问题的关键人物.  

The Wellness lead arranges/coordinates the purchase and delivery of lunches for noon conferences four days a week. They set up a bimonthly wellness conference and assists with arrangements for social gatherings.   

