

上州医科大学 is pleased to offer the opportunity for physicians from around the world to observe 泌尿外科 physicians and residents in practice. The goal of the 观察员身份程序 is to provide insight into day to day responsibilities of physicians in their respective specialties and provide a basic overview of the American medical system.


CWB 2nd 地板上
750 E. 亚当斯圣.纽约州锡拉丘兹13210


为了维护上州医科大学校园的安全, 受保护健康信息的隐私, 以及适当的员工健康许可, visitors to University Hospital sites of service must be properly logged according to the policy of Visiting Health Care Providers, which covers individuals who are visiting the campus for the purpose of learning, 培训, 观察, 或者在短时间内提供直接或间接的病人护理. Observership Privileges must be obtained for Visiting Health Care Providers through the Medical Staff Office. 观察员将不被授予直接照顾病人的特权.

申请表及所有证明文件 (如申请表上所述) must be received 8 weeks prior to the requested start date to allow for processing. 我们的轮岗时间是四周. 每次轮换必须符合可用的日期. 有一张400美元的.00美元(美国基金)申请费,不可退还. A Certified Check or Money Order needs to accompany the application and should be made payable to 上州医科大学泌尿系. 不接受个人支票.

每4周轮换的费用为$4 000. Upon acceptance, payment must be received and processed prior to the first day of the rotation. 你会收到通知, 以书面形式, of either acceptance or denial of your application within 4 weeks of initial receipt. You may ask questions or check on the status of your application after four weeks have passed by emailing the Educational Programs Office, schulzes@推荐最近最火的赌博软件.edu


医务人员申请资料 (申请获批准后须填写)

与申请过程(签证处理)相关的所有费用, 旅行, 卫生许可, 等)将由申请人全权负责. 上州医科大学不承担任何处理费用.


Your request for an Observership will be processed upon receipt of your application (see application form for required documents). 没有提交所有所需文件,你的申请将不予处理. We will be in contact with you as soon as we have all the information needed.


Specific reporting instructions will be included in your acceptance correspondence, and will be based on the rotation in which you are scheduled to participate.


Report to the Payroll Department with a form issued by Payroll (Request for Non-Employee ID Badge), 并有相关部门的批准签名, and an additional form of photo identification in order to obtain an ID badge. At the completion of your rotation, return the ID badge to Payroll to inactivate the ID Badge. 任何时候都必须佩戴身份牌.


观察员应穿着专业服装. t恤、短裤、露趾鞋等. 是不允许的. 建议您穿舒适的鞋子. 实验服必须一直穿着.


你负责所有停车费. 停车证必须直接从 停车的办公室,位于 1519大学医院


It is required that you wear a Lab Coat during your rotation and while on the premises of 上州医科大学. You are responsible for providing your own lab coat, one will not be provided for you.


服务因专业而异. 一旦获得批准, the Coordinator in each specialty / department will provide your specific working hours.

赞助机构不提供餐费. 你负责所有的饭菜.


观察员负责确保自己的住宿. 在批准你的轮岗后, the 观察员身份程序 Coordinator will provide you with a list of possible accommodations in the area upon request.


一旦你的任务通过电子邮件确认, you are expected to complete the rotation as we will close out that rotation to other learners. As stated earlier, the $400 Application Fee is Non-Refundable under any circumstance.


上州医科大学 reserves the right to terminate an Observer’s rotation at any time in the event that the Observer’s performance jeopardizes a patient’s well-being or performance is unable to achieve the objectives of the educational experience. 如果有必要终止轮换, a pro-rated fee will be refunded to the Observer for the time left in the rotation, 然而, 400美元的申请费仍不予退还.


Your Identification Badge will allow you to gain access as a visitor to the 医学院图书馆 设施.


Information will be provided regarding regularly scheduled conferences and didactic sessions, 根据你被安排参加的具体轮岗.


如果你对你的轮岗有疑问, 或者出现问题时, 请立即与观察员项目协调员联系, schulzes@推荐最近最火的赌博软件.edu.


每次轮换以请假两天为限. 如果出现问题, please see the 观察员身份程序 Coordinator and the Supervising Physician for approval. 无故缺勤可导致轮调终止. Please see 终止政策 above regarding refunds of monies paid in the event of termination!


在核准的轮调结束时, Observers will receive a certificate acknowledging their participation and length of rotation at 上州医科大学.

在你完成轮换之前, 你还需要填写一份表格来评估你在这里的经历. Please complete this form and return it to the 观察员身份程序 Coordinator before you leave. This feedback is very important as it provides us with critical information about our rotations. Certificates of Completion will not be provided until you have completed the evaluation of your experience.

We look forward to seeing you and hope your rotation with us is educationally rewarding. 如果你有任何问题, please feel free to contact the 观察员身份程序 Coordinator – we will be happy to assist you in any way we can.


Please refer to the following websites to learn more about our program and the Syracuse area and for the latest updates on what is happening in the city during the time of your visit.

上州医科大学 in Syracuse New York shall admit students of any race, color, 宗教, 性, 年龄, 民族出身或血统, 障碍, 或残疾或越战老兵的身份, 所有权利, 特权, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to all of the students involved in any of the Clinic’s educational programs.

上州医科大学 in Syracuse New York will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, 宗教, 性, 年龄, 民族起源或祖先, 障碍, 或者是残疾人或退伍军人的身份, 在教育政策的执行上, 招生政策, 培训项目, 津贴奖励和所有其他此类管理计划.

Acceptance of an individual to the 观察员身份程序 does not constitute a commitment by 上州医科大学 or the 泌尿外科 to interview or accept the individual for residency 培训 in the 泌尿外科 or any residency or fellowship program at 上州医科大学.