P: Pediatric Teaching Materials

Pediatric Teaching Materials

Find materials and websites to help you develop content for teaching in pediatrics.




  • Clerkship Syllabus


  • Pediatric FlipBoard Book
    This online magazine was created by the clerkship director to provide easy access to over 50 online sites with pediatric content.
  • Review Materials for Step 2 CS
    Guidelines from NBME regarding the standardized patient examination. Also see the practice materials regarding the note.

"It is a happy talent to know how to play."
—Ralph Waldo Emerson


Qstream uses daily e-mailed questions as a technique for teaching and learning. 的re is evidence to suggest that this technique improves long-term retention. 的 Department of Pediatrics, with the generous support of the 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 Foundation, has purchased access to this online resource and has created courses for use in teaching students, 居民, 教职员工.

Courses consist entirely of questions and answers. 的y are sent to you in small amounts (typically 1 or 2 a day) on a regular schedule via email, 网页或RSS. 的y can be accessed from a desktop browser or a mobile device such as an iPhone or iPad.

Questions repeat based on your answers. 的 sequence of questions will adapt based on your answers. To improve retention, questions typically repeat several times. Get a question wrong and it repeats sooner. Get it right one or more times in a row and it is retired from the course. Retire all questions to complete the course.

A 5 question course, Child Abuse Recognition, is now available on 推荐最近最火的赌博软件golisanopeds.qstream.com To sign up, please register first (free) for the Qstream site and then sign in to our Golisano site.

If you are interested in creating a new Q-Stream course, please 联系 Dr. Ann Botash for more information.

"Life is more fun if you play games."


Our 居民 and faculty advocate for the needs of children through various efforts. If you are interested in participating in these or other child advocacy projects, please contact Dr. 伊丽莎白·尼尔森.

This reference map resource for locations and information regarding community 资源 for children was created as part of a summer research project with the mentorship of Dr. 尼尔森.

"No child should ever be too sad to play."

Fourth Year 资源


  • 儿科点博客, 由博士开发. Botash, is available to all medical educators and is provided specifically for 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's pediatric clerkship preceptors. 的 blog offers "shared wisdom from 推荐最近最火的赌博软件's pediatric clerkship" through teaching tips, 资源, news and announcements. Student feedback and changes to our clerkship program will be summarized regularly and posted on this blog. Please sign up for emails to alert you of blog activity! http://blogs.Upstate.edu/pedspoints/.