

Auxiliary to the Health Science Center to Present "Mystery and Merlot," Thursday, 1月28日, 1999


Central New Yorkers are invited to take part in an enjoyable evening of wine-and cheese tasting, 晚餐, mystery theatre and more when the Auxiliary to the Health Science Center at Syracuse presents "Mystery and Merlot,“周四, 1月28日, 下午五点半开始, at the Persian Terrace at the Radisson Plaza-Hotel Syracuse. The event is co-presented by the Nursing Recognition Committee at University Hospital. Radio Station 93Q serves as a promotional sponsor.

艾伦克. Wilson named associate vice president for human resources at State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse


艾伦克. Wilson has joined the State University of New York Health Science Center as associate vice president for human resources. She will be responsible for the entire human resource function across the institution, which includes the colleges of Medicine, 健康的职业, Nursing and Graduate Studies and the University Hospital.

Radiation therapy offers hope to patients with common cause of blindness, suggest researchers


Tens of thousands of people who suffer from the leading cause of legal blindness may benefit from radiation therapy to stabilize the deterioration of their vision, according to New York researchers presenting their work here today (12月. 2) at the 84th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA).

Joslin Center for Diabetes plans an evening for teens at the MOST


锡拉丘兹,N.Y.: The new teen hangout--for this Saturday, Nov. 21, that is--will be the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science and Technology (MOST). That's where University Hospital's Joslin Center for Diabetes will play host to teenagers with diabetes and their families and friends for an evening of education and camaraderie and fun.

There's no trick to enjoying Halloween for children with diabetes, say experts at Joslin Center for Diabetes


With some advance preparation, children with diabetes can still enjoy Halloween and its candy-collecting ritual, say health educators at the Joslin Center for Diabetes.

研究ers at the SUNY Health Science Center at Syracuse find more clues to growth of ovarian cysts


研究ers at the State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse have found that the fluid inside endometriomas contains a high concentration of transforming growth factor beta 1, which stimulates the growth of the cyst.

Clay resident elected to prestigious EMS position


杰伊·米. 斯科特, EMS coordinator for University Hospital of the State University of New York Health Science Center at Syracuse, has been elected to the executive council of the National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians (NAEMT). 斯科特 is a nationally registered paramedic who works for the Health Science Center's Department of Emergency Medicine as an Emergency Medical Services (EMS) educator and as University Hospital's EMS liaison. He is a member of the Central New Regional EMS Council and chairs the NAEMT nominations committee.

Health Science Center Foundation plans 10th Annual SUNY Health Science Center Gala 12月. 5


The State University of New York Health Science Center's 10th Annual Gala, sponsored by the Health Science Center Foundation will be held Saturday, 12月. 5 at the Radisson Plaza-Hotel Syracuse. The event will launch the planning of a new state-of-the-art learning facility for future generations of medical students, in order to further the successful programs of the Health Science Center that create is cutting edge environment. The annual gala is an opportunity for the community to come together to celebrate the work of this region's world class academic health center.

SUNY Health Science Center physician elected president of National Association of EMS Physicians


理查德·C. 亨特,米.D., professor and chair of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the State University New York (SUNY) Health Science Center at Syracuse, has been named president-elect of the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP). Dr. Hunt will serve in that capacity from October 1998 through January 2001.