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Upstate Letterhead, Envelopes, Business Cards & Note Pads

Printed letterhead and envelopes with the Upstate graphic identity are available, for the downtown and Binghamton campuses, through Campus Purchasing (464-5720) and Hospital Purchasing (464-6039). Departments at 4900 Broad Rd. order through Community campus Purchasing (492-5656).

Printed business cards are ordered online through Upstate Duplicating.

Electronic letterhead templates can be downloaded using the links on this web page. There are twelve types of letterhead, to be used based on the your campus affiliation.

  1. Upstate Medical University (the "umbrella" suitable for everyone)
  2. Upstate Medical University/SUNY (for all colleges, emphasizes "SUNY" )
  3. Upstate Medical University/College of Medicine
  4. Upstate Medical University/College of Nursing
  5. Upstate Medical University/College of Health Professions
  6. Upstate Medical University/College of Graduate Studies
  7. Upstate Medical University/Binghamton campus
  8. Upstate University Health System ("umbrella" for all clinical, esp. for off-site clinical services)
  9. Upstate University Hospital
  10. Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital
  11. Upstate University Hospital, Community Campus
  12. Upstate Cancer Center

Personalized note pads can be ordered online through Upstate Duplicating.
