

澄清对教员的需求, the Office of 教员事务 and 教师发展 would like to offer some guidance.

医学院大会教务委员会, 回顾了2019年的教师立场调查,并发现了一些常见的误解, 在下面的常见问题解答中解决.

如果您对常见问题或问题有任何建议, 请提交给Jayne Charlamb, MD, 椅子, 医学院大会教务委员会, (电子邮件保护).



Faculty who are awarded a continuing appointment receive a "one-time advance to basic annual salary of $500". 这包含在UUP合同第20条第20款中.14a(第31页)  http://uupinfo.org/contract/pdf/20162022NYSUUPAgreement.pdf

经总理办公室批准后, the Office of 教员事务 processes the $500 increase along with the change in status to continuing (tenured).  

“§20.14 a. Full-time employees who have been granted permanent or continuing appointment by the Chancellor, 在他们目前工作的校园, 或者第二个五年任期的任命, 在他们目前工作的校园 in titles listed in Article Xl, 保险单的附录A, 一次性预支基本年薪500美元. Employees who have completed seven consecutive years of full-time service 在他们目前工作的校园 in the title of Lecturer or in any of the titles listed in Article XI, 附录B, 第四节第三节体育, 或第11条, 附件C一次性预支基本年薪500美元.”  

推荐最近最火的赌博软件, further raises with 促销活动 are at the discretion of the department or program chair, with approval of the dean and may be based upon individual departmental or program policies.

There are currently no standard raises with 促销活动 other than meeting minimum base salaries for rank. 


There are over 200 part-time faculty in the 医学院 who make meaningful and significant contributions to 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 in clinical, 研究, 教育, 以及管理角色.

教师治理: 兼职教员是教员中有投票权的正式成员.

任期和晋升: 根据SUNY政策, part-time status is considered “Qualified Academic Rank” and such service does not count toward tenure. Therefore, part-time faculty at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 are unable to be placed in “tenure-track” positions. 然而, part-time faculty at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 are eligible for and highly encouraged to seek 促销活动, and the Faculty Appointments and 促销活动s Committee will take an individual’s FTE level into account when evaluating the merit of 促销活动 portfolios from part-time faculty. 终身教授可能转为兼职(减少工作量), 基于各种需求和原因, 并将继续维持他们的任期. 只有在离职时,某人才会失去任期.  

好处: 福利取决于雇佣条款和条件, 包括邦与统一党之间的协商协议. 更多信息可以从推荐最近最火的赌博软件 UUP章节获得


What is the ratio of administrators to faculty at 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and is this comparable to other similar institutions?

我们的教师与行政人员的比例低于我们的同行院校. AAMC立场调查认为奥尔巴尼医学院(AMC), 罗格斯大学罗伯特伍德约翰逊医学院, 托马斯·杰斐逊大学西德尼·金梅尔医学院, 以及密西西比大学医学院我们的同行机构. 我们的教务比是8:1,AMC是4:1,TJU是3:1. 虽然从技术上讲,它不被AAMC视为同行机构, SUNY-Downstate的比例为4:1(见表1). 

事实上, SUNY-上州医科大学 医学院 is conducting our academic and clinical work with fewer administrators than our peers.


机构名称 全职员工总数 教学FTE 管理FTE
奥尔巴尼医学院 1997 591 146
纽约州立大学下州医疗中心 1412 441 115
托马斯·杰斐逊大学 3976 1684 521
上州医科大学 1429 573 70

Source: National Center for Educational Statistics Integrated Post-secondary Education Data System IPEDS数据中心由Lauren Germain提供, 博士学位, 评估主任, 评估, 公共卫生和预防医学研究和助理教授.

新冠肺炎会影响教职工招聘吗? 招聘教师的指导方针是什么?

减少COVID-19的传播, 招聘时需要采取物理距离措施, 招聘, 以及入职流程. The dean’s office offers recruitment guidance and provides an outline of requirements for 招聘 of new faculty during this time. 招聘的详细信息和表格可以在 行政管理文件 页面.

请参阅 上州招聘指南

我正在争取终身教职, 由于COVID-19相关的工作延误, 担心自己达不到终身教职的标准. 我该怎么办呢??

The COVID-19 crisis may have affected your ability to complete 研究 projects, 及时提交和发表奖学金, 及/或完成拨款申请. A SUNY-UUP Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) titled “Possible Adjustments to 任期内 Clock Timelines and Reappointment, 《推荐最近最火的赌博软件》最近发布, 你们可能已经通过电子邮件收到了这个. Our office will update individual tenure dates and notify all faculty to whom the tenure extension pertains. COM的教职员工有关于终身教职的问题,请联系博士. Botash, (电子邮件保护).


 由于研究中前所未有的异常中断, scholarship and service activities as well as telecommuting and the transition to remote teaching during the COVID-19 crisis, adjustments need to be made to time toward eligibility for continuing or permanent appointment. 除了, special consideration needs to be made at the campus level regarding the submission and evaluation of materials included in a dossier or personnel file for review.

 学者 who are currently serving in tenure-track academic positions who have not yet been permanently appointed and who are not currently up for review will receive an automatic one-year extension of their time to continuing appointment (also referred to as their tenure clock). 任期内-track academics who do not wish to have their tenure clocks extended may elect to opt out of the automatic one-year extension and be considered for tenure on their original schedule. 此扩展将不需要改变目前的学术排名.

 Any employee (whether full or part-time) who taught or provided 教育 support such as tutoring or counseling during the Spring 2020 semester may elect not to include Spring 2020 student evaluations, 同侪教学观察, 和/或本学期的课程材料,以便将来再次使用, 促销活动, 或继续任用/长期任用审查材料. The agreement provides that the exclusion of these materials shall not reflect negatively on the individual's review.

冠状病毒Q&这里有一个进一步的说明: http://uupinfo.org/resources/covid19/pdf/UUP_COVID19_QA.pdf

COM的教职员工,想了解更多关于终身教职和停止工作的信息: http://www.Upstate.edu/facultydev/Promotion-tenure/tenure-stop-clock.php

我打算尽快提交我的宣传材料. 有帮助吗??

在20-21年期间,将举办几次“推广之路讲习班”. 现时讲座时间为逢星期二中午至下午一时:










Dr. 史蒂夫·塔菲特博士. Ann Botash continue to be available for one-to-one meetings (plan to use WebEx or Zoom) to assist you with your 促销活动 needs.

My 研究 was accepted to a national/regional meeting and the meeting was canceled. How can I document this on my CV and will this “count” towards my scholarship for 促销活动?

If you have accepted presentations/posters (peer-reviewed) and you are no longer able to disseminate them as intended due to conference cancellations related to COVID-19, 有很多选择. 在某些情况下, the conference planners may produce a formal publication of peer reviewed accepted abstracts and this may be cited in your curriculum vitae (CV). 向会议策划者咨询可能的销售渠道. There are also some sites available for you to upload your posters and presentations, such as http://www.Researchgate.net/

在简历中, list the citation as you normally would for something that was accepted (for example in APA style), 并添加突出显示的内容与链接到它已经传播.

Gaspard S, Stewart T, Race J, Botash作为. (接受). 项目评估:确定处女膜异常和相关风险. 儿科学术学会(PAS) 2020年会议,2020年5月2-5日, 费城,宾夕法尼亚州.  会议:儿童虐待和忽视海报. 因COVID-19相关会议取消, this peer reviewed abstract was (or may add here that it was not) disseminated on 05/04/2020 to http://www.Researchgate.net/ (或其他网站).

Include your updated CV and conference acceptance email/letter in your 促销活动 packet.